Jimmy and Roya talk about the importance of voting, the first FDA approved preservative-free allergy drop, and meet long time listener optometry tech, Nicholas Oudompradith.
1800 Contacts Contact Lens Fitting
Jimmy and Roya talk with “EYEcon” Dr. Richard Castillo about his career path, how he started teaching Optometry and how he sees the eyecare landscape and community in 25 years from now…
Jimmy and Roya share some big news and talk to Meghan Endicott from Optometry Cares, the American Optometry Association Foundation.
National Optometry Hall of Fame
Jimmy and Roya talk about current news, new meds, conversion rate and how to clean your Phoropter.
Jimmy and Roya dive deep into the subject of pandemic finances with second-time special guest Travis Hornsby!
Marketing4ECPs: www.marketing4ecps.com
Optometry Industry Relief Fund: https://www.aoa.org/news/inside-optometry/aoa-foundation-extends-helping-hand-damaged-practices
SLP Website: https://www.studentloanplanner.com
SLP Podcast: https://www.studentloanplanner.com/category/podcast/
SLP Press: https://www.studentloanplanner.com/press/
SLP Social media links: Facebook | Twitter
Previous episode with Travis: EPI #50 I have zero net worth
Join us for another incredible episode where Jimmy and Roya meet up with guest Michele Lee.
New Tear stimulator: https://www.healio.com/news/optometry/20200603/fda-grants-novel-clearance-for-tear-neurostimulator
Valley Contax: https://www.valleycontax.com/
Dr Michele Lee: https://www.micheleleemd.com/
Dr Michele Lee @michelelee_md
Oxervate: https://oxervate.com/
Cornea specialist don’t recommend routine use of topical anesthetics for corneal abrasions: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31445551/
Jimmy and Roya meet up with guest Jessie Vassau in another incredible episode about children’s eye care.
Alternative Eyewear TN2B Exclusive Offer: http://www.trynot2blink.com/nanovista/
Nano Vista: https://youtu.be/ZIXEPY6nRmo
Interface: https://youtu.be/tINLXOkHYSg
Dr. Jessie Vassau http://cepcolorado.com/ourteam/
MEM Retinoscopy: https://smart-optometry.com/mem-retinoscopy/#:~:text=MEM%20Retinoscopy,vergence%20and%2For%20accommodative%20dysfunction.
Amblyopia Treatment Studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5396957/
Learn more about treating kids in another amazing episode where Jimmy and Roya meet with guest Thao Phoung Le!
Alternative Eyewear TN2B Exclusive Offer: http://www.trynot2blink.com/nanovista/
TLC files for bankruptcy: https://www.wsj.com/articles/lasik-vision-institute-tlc-laser-eye-center-operator-files-for-bankruptcy-11590878365
Thao Phoung Le: https://www.eanw.net/doctors/thao-phuong-le-md/
Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction Study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/fullarticle/2698099?guestAccessKey=e48aaee9-f512-455b-a5ea-2e960a15c4d8&utm_source=JAMA%20Network&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=abo-quarterlyquestions&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=01012020
Nano Vista: https://youtu.be/ZIXEPY6nRmo
Interface: https://youtu.be/tINLXOkHYSg
Jimmy and Roya continue their discussion about kid’s eyewear, this time with special guest Vitto Mena.
ALTERNATIVE EYEWEAR PROMO: https://www.trynot2blink.com/nanovista/
Special Olympics Opening Eyes https://www.specialolympics.org/about/partners/lions-club-international#:~:text=Lions%20Clubs%20has%20supported%20the,glasses%20and%20protective%20sports%20goggles.
EYEChart Sports https://www.aoa.org/Documents/infographics/EYEchart-Sports.pdf
Liberty Sports Frames: https://www.libertysport.com/
Wiley X https://wileyx.com/?SID=63b12e908184b996d07a7f1e498544b3
Nano-Vista https://nano-vista.com/en/
Vitto Mena OD https://www.optical-academy.com/about-us/
Jimmy and Roya meet with guest Paul Storace, the CEO of Alternative and Plan B Eyewear. Listen in to this episode to learn more about Nano Vista and the eyewear options for kids!
Alternative Eyewear: https://www.alternativeeyes.com/
Nano Vista: https://nano-vista.com/en/
Nano Vista Video: https://youtu.be/ZIXEPY6nRmo
Interface: https://youtu.be/tINLXOkHYSg