
Yes, and…

This week Jimmy and Roya are having a very relevant conversation with Dr. Viola Kanevsky, #2 optometrist in the nation on the list of America’s Best Eye Doctors in 2021.  She is an optometrist specializing in custom contact lenses, who has practiced on the Upper West Side in New York for over 25 years but originally came from the former Soviet Union.


Viola Kanevsky: Acuity NYC

American’s Best Eye Doctor 2021: Newsweek

ODs on Facebook

Ship of Tolerance

Ojos Del Mar

This week Jimmy and Roya talk about Roya’s new adventure in Costa Rica and what it takes to make a big lifestyle change like that, the challenges and the positives…


Maximo Nivel

Ojos del Mar Instagram


Across the Pond Pet Travel Specialist

Aeromexico Flying with Pets

It’s (Tico) Time

In this episode Jimmy and Roya have some really big news! Roya is embarking on an exciting new adventure that will probably leave a lot of us a bit envious and Jimmy talks about his latest investment. Keep up with the TN2B crew, don’t miss this episode.


Jimmy’s Insta

Monteverde Container AirBnB


Based on another recommendation from the awesome CharliRae at Valley Contax, Jimmy and Roya talk with Andrew S. Bruce, LDO, ABOM, NCLE-AC, FNAO about his career path, what it takes to become a Licensed Master Optician, his love for Rosie his pet pig and more…


Lum ithera

Eye Injuries in Sports

Andrew Bruce Linkedin

ASB Opticianry Education Services

Opticians Association of America


ABO Certification

NCLE CTL Examination

Back to the Scleral Basics

In this episode Jimmy and Roya go over all the scleral lens basics you need to know about  in order to become a successful  scleral lens fitter, including Valley Contax Custom Lens Immersion Program, the Custom Stable and more…




20/20 Glance

Generic Restasis

Generic Combigan

Custom Stable

CLIP Program


Gas Permeable Lens Institute 

Scleral Lens Education Society

The True MVP

This week Try Not to Blink  is taking requests.  Jimmy and Roya talk to LoriAnn Bobins, Rockstar Technician at Vision Source 20/20 about her career path and the importance of having a strong team in your practice…


LoriAnn Bobins: LinkedIn

Vision Source Studio 20/20

HOYA training program

AOA Staff Training Program

Renton Technical College Ophthalmic Assistant Program

Highpoint University PA Program

The Mac Daddy of Materials

Jimmy and Roya talk to John Hibbs, Vice President North American Commerical Sales & Marketing at Contamac US Inc about lens materials, recent innovations, what is plasma treatment and more…


CLIP Program

John Hibbs – Contamac


Optimum Materials

Optimum Tangible Hydra-Peg




Jimmy and Roya talk to Ryan Bleeks, Vice President of Sales at  RVL Pharmaceuticals, Inc about Upneeq (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) and its use for the treatment of blepharoptosis in adults aka droopy eyes…


Better Near Vision

Jimmy and Roya talk about Vuity eye drop and catch up with Dr. Michelle Hoff and Dr. Isabel Kazemi about SightLine and demystifying near task specific lenses which was one of their presentation at the last AAO meeting.


What a Pain!

Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. Anthony DeWilde, a graduate of the University of Missouri – St. Louis College of Optometry. In addition to seeing patients in the general clinic, he also works with TeleRetinal Imaging Program for diabetic patients and provides patient care for the low vision rehabilitation clinic.

