
Be Extraordinary, Not Ordinary

Roya and Jimmy talk with Licensed Optician and Image Consultant Wendy Buchanan. Learn how she takes control over the sales process to make buying glasses an experience for patients and how she built her mobile eyewear boutique along with the programs she has developed to teach her success to others.


CLASS Symposium

Wendy Buchanan: LinkedIn

Perceptions Eyewear

Be Spectacular

Hip Optical

Style to Sell


Dr. Eye Health Heats It Up

This week on Try Not 2 Blink, Jimmy and Roya are honored to have Dr. Joseph Allen join them to discuss the benefits of warm compresses and the opportunity to win a TearRestore kit for your office. Dr. Allen talks about his YouTube channel, Doctor Eye Health, and his mission to educate patients with his videos.



Ojos Del Mar

Don’t Go The Extra Step

Jimmy and Roya continue to speak with the cornea and contact lens residents. This week they talk with Dr. Stephanie Schumacher, the outgoing Michigan College of Optometry resident. Dr. Schumacher shares her story of what motivated her to pursue optometry, the most significant advice she obtained during her residency to eliminate chair time, and what led her to her current position.


Dry eye + Water Intake



Dr Stephanie Schumacher: LinkedIn

Instagram @dr.stephschumacher

University of Waterloo

Full Circle

Roya and Jimmy talk with returning guest Dr. Cindy Shan to hear from her after wrapping up her Cornea and Contact Lens Residency. Hear what inspired her to become an Optometrist and the challenges for Canadian citizens working in the US.ย 

The Try Not To Stress series continues with a segment about Boards review questions. TN2B teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service, to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.


Dr. Cindy Shan: LinkedIn

Dr. Cindy Shan: Instagram

Covalent Careers

Episode: ~71 What Should I Be When I Grow Up

The Wolver Green

This week Jimmy and Roya discuss with Dr. Harry Green, an Assistant Clinical Professor at UC Berkeley, how diabetes affects the eyes and the convenience of telehealth.ย 

They also continue with the TN2B segment about Boards review questions, Try Not To Stress. They teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service, to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.



Dr Harry Green: UC Berkeley

Dr Harry Green: LinkedIn

Diabetes Technology





Dr Harry Green: UC Berkeley

Dr Harry Green: LinkedIn

Diabetes Technology


No Time To Settle

In this episode, Jimmy and Roya chat with Dr. Klaus Ito about his recent cornea and contact lens residency, joining his mom in private practice, his awesome experience at Valley Contaxโ€™s Residency Summit on the Oregon Coast and more…


Dr Klaus Ito: LinkedIn

Dr Klaus Ito: Instagram

Dr Klaus Ito: UVA Health

Dr Klaus Ito: Ocean Park Optometry

Contact Lens Institute Honor

Memorial Eye Center + Dr. Tom Arnold

Vision Expo West Panel

Greatest Risks have the Greatest Rewards

In this episode Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. Jessilin Quint about her career, residency versus MBA, the fact that you need to take risks in order to rake rewards and more…

Jimmy and Roya are also launching a brand new TN2B segment about Boards review questions, Try Not To Stress. They teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.



Orbis Flying Eye Clinic

Jessilin Quint – Smart Eye Care

Jessilin Quint – LinkedIn

Dr Quint Instagram

Dr Jessilin Quint Interview

Dr Quint on Modern OD

Vision Expo West

Dry (AMD) Eye

In this episode Jimmy and Roya talk to Founder, Practice Owner, Innovator and Industry Consultant Dr Jaclyn Garlich about her life in Boston, her practice 20/20 Glance, Dry Eye and more…

๐Ÿ‘‰ Jimmy and Roya are also launching a brand new TN2B segment about Boards review questions, Try Not To Stress. They teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.


Dr. Jackie Garlich: Envision

Dr. Jaclyn Garlich: LinkedIn


2020 Glance Archive


To the point: Podcast




Treat Every Patient as Your First

In this episode Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. John Raji about his career, ย his involvement with Forvera Health, how he stays authentic with every patient ๐Ÿ‘, his spirit animal and more…

๐Ÿ‘‰ Jimmy and Roya are also launching a brand new TN2B segment about Boards review questions, Try Not To Stress. They teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.



Dr. John Raji: Linkedin

Dr. John Raji: Shelburne Optometry

Dr. John Raji: Instagram

Optical Prism Article

Mark Bowden TEDTalk

Feeling and Fire

In this episode Jimmy and Roya talk to Cory Zwahlen, Class of 2024 at Southern College of Optometry and the winner of the Valley Contax Optometry Meeting Travel Grant about what made him choose Optometry, how he is prepping for the board with Optoprep and how he’s choosing his externship. ๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ‘‰ Jimmy and Roya are also launching a brand new TN2B segment about Boards review questions, Try Not To Stress. They teamed up with Optoprep, a premier Boards review service to compile questions so you can study smarter, not harder.


2020 Glance

Cory Zwahlen: LinkedIn

Cory Zwahlen YouTube Testimonial

Valley Contax 2022 OM Student Travel Grant Award

Dr Jackson SCO

Dr Ensor Pharmacology SCO

Dose of OptoPrep

Optometry Meeting

Winner of the Optometry’s Meeting Travel Grant

Winning Poem

A world of darkness.

A world so blurry.

A grandparent who longs to see the face

of a grandchild.

An individual with headaches.

A child who hates school.

A letter left unread.

An undiagnosed disease.

A world now bright and colorful.

A world that is crisp.

A grandchild’s clear smile.

An individual whose head no longer


A child who now loves to read.

A person’s day enriched by a note from a


A disease caught in time to treat.

A life more rich and beautiful.

Optometrists enable people to live life

the the fullest. That is who I want to be.
