Season 1

ER Eye Trauma

Roya and Jimmy deep dive into the world of ER Doc Rob Orman, to chat about how he handles patients with eye trauma.



Corneal abrasions:

Patching abrasion

Tetracaine for 24 hour: 

Yikes, I’m Getting Audited!

Today's Cannabis

Jimmy and Roya talk with cannabis grower Matt Wyatt, owner of Misty Bear Creek Farm, about the science and industry of marijuana.


Scary Patient Stories

Jimmy and Roya kickoff October with some scary patient stories. They also touch on overcoming scleral lens insertion and removal, the Keto Diet craze and Sun Parma’s recent FDA approval of Xelpros.


Vision Therapy with Dr. Joanna Carter

Joanna Carter pratices vision therapy in Medford, OR at Insight Vision Therapy. In this episode she joins Roya and Jimmy and shares how she got her start in vision therapy and what she has learned along the way.


InfantSEE with Stephanie Parrish, OD

Stephanie Parrish, OD joins the podcast to give her insight on infant eyecare. Dr. Parrish is a national award recipient for the Dr. W. David Sullins Jr. InfantSEE Award and has performed hundreds of eye exams for infants under one year of age. She shares some of her exam lane tips and how to reach and treat this important patient segment.

In industry news Jimmy and Roya discuss new 0.38% Loteprednol Gel, the advantages of physical activity when it comes to glaucoma and new myopia guidline tools.


So You Want To Be a Business Owner? Dr. Neena Singhal James

Roya and Jimmy talk with special guest Dr. Neena Singhal James about her recent experience of becoming a practice owner.


Children and Screentime

Roya and Jimmy take talk about children and screentime as they introduce this month’s theme, pediatric eyecare. They also talk about dealing with late patients and some recent industry news.

Entrepreneurship and Social Media with Dr. Tanya Gill

Tanya Gill, OD joins Roya and Jimmy and shares her insights about entrepreneurship, branding, social media and the keys to growing a practice. Dr. Gill is the owner of Oakland Vision Center Optometry in Oakland, CA and graduated from the UC Berkeley School of Optometry in 1999. She was awarded America’s Finest Optical Retailer by Invision magazine in 2015 and has over 25K followers between her instagram accounts. In 2016, she founded We Love Eyes, a company that makes natural cleansing products for the eyes.

