The Wild Stallion
Jimmy and Roya talk with Dr. Mitch Ibach about his career path, his collaboration with Avedro, floppy eyelid syndrome and more…
American Academy of Optometry Virtual Meeting
Jimmy and Roya talk with Rebecca Petris, about her history dealing with dry eye, why she created The Dry Eye Zone and what should doctors consider when treating dry eye.
Mindfulness + Glaucoma Control
Intrepid eye society TED Talks: Update on Thyroid Eye Disease
Jimmy and Roya talk with guests Scott Hauswirth and Ken DauSchmidt about Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, tear restore clinical trials, dry eye and maskne.
Jimmy and Roya talk about the importance of voting, the first FDA approved preservative-free allergy drop, and meet long time listener optometry tech, Nicholas Oudompradith.
1800 Contacts Contact Lens Fitting
Jimmy and Roya talk with “EYEcon” Dr. Richard Castillo about his career path, how he started teaching Optometry and how he sees the eyecare landscape and community in 25 years from now…
Jimmy and Roya share some big news and talk to Meghan Endicott from Optometry Cares, the American Optometry Association Foundation.
National Optometry Hall of Fame
Jimmy and Roya talk about current news, new meds, conversion rate and how to clean your Phoropter.
Jimmy and Roya talk with Dr. Mitch Ibach about his career path, his collaboration with Avedro, floppy eyelid syndrome and more…
American Academy of Optometry Virtual Meeting
Jimmy and Roya talk about the end of Truetear, its alternative iTEAR100 and more.
Jimmy and Roya talk about the latest FDA approved medication like Upneeq, Dextenza and Zerivate.
Jimmy and Roya talk about corneal transplant, the TikTok challenge results, and more.