What a Pain!

Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. Anthony DeWilde, a graduate of the University of Missouri – St. Louis College of Optometry. In addition to seeing patients in the general clinic, he also works with TeleRetinal Imaging Program for diabetic patients and provides patient care for the low vision rehabilitation clinic.


Name It

Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. Farah Gulaid and Dr. Joy Harewood about having more racial equality in the industry, how communication is key to a successful career and life as well as what we can do now to make things better.


Light It Up

Jimmy and Roya talk to Stacey Winter, Vice President of Sales for Lumenis about her career, OptiLight, the first and only IPL FDA-approved for the management of dry eye disease, and more…


OD Admissions 101

Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr Kimberly Kohne, Associate Dean for Students and Clinical Professor at Indiana University School of Optometry about her personal experience, teaching during the pandemic, the Optometry Admission Test and more…


Dr Kim Kohne

UMSL School of Optometry

Dr Ed Bennett

OAT (Optometry Admission Test)


Gas Permeable Lens King

Jimmy and Roya talk to the one and only Edward S. Bennett, O.D., M.S.Ed. about what it takes to become a Diplomate, why you should do your residency, what motivates him,  who are his mentors, and more…


Level Up (in Google)

Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr Richard Zimbalist, owner of Ignite Medical and Optometrist at Truman VA Medical Center about his business and how to get your website to the top of Google.


AAO 2021 Meeting

Richard ZimbaliTst: LinkedIn


Voodoo Magic

In this episode Jimmy and Roya are recording straight from AAO 2021 in Boston. They had the great pleasure to talk to Georgea Pasedis PharmD. RPh., Senior Vice President, Global Head of Medical and Clinical Affairs at Dompé. 


AAO 2021 Meeting

Georgea Pasedis, PharmD: LinkedIn

Oxervate, Dompe


Treat Eyes Via Nose

In this episode Jimmy and Roya are recording straight from AAO 2021 in Boston. They had the great pleasure to talk to Jeff Nau, Ph.D., president and CEO of Oyster Point Pharma, a company who is developing , and delivering innovative therapies for ophthalmic disease.


Valley Contax CLIP Program

AAO 2021 Meeting

Jeff Nau PhD: LinkedIn

OysterPoint Tyrvaya-pro

Squints and Headaches

Jimmy and Roya talk about headaches, their causes and treatment approach as well as Blepharospasm, a rare disease that causes  involuntary spasmodic bilateral closing of the eyelids.


Baylor Health: Blepharospasm


Rare Diseases: Blepharospasm

Dry Eye vs Blepharospasm

2020 Glance

EyeSync for Concussion


The Earbone is Connected to the Eye Bone

In this first of its kind TN2B episode, Jimmy and Roya talk to Dr. Ashley Andrejko about her work as an audiologist, the Audiology Project, OTC hearing aids  and how the ear is closely related to the eye.


Dr Ashley Andrejko: Family Hearing Center

OTC Hearing Aids?

The Audiology Project
