Journal Club: Get in Control of Myopia Control

Welcome to Try Not 2 Blink! Don’t miss a minute of today’s show! Host Roya and Sheila are going to chat about a few new things that have come out to give hope for patients with macular degeneration and also discuss controversy surrounding efficacy of these new ideas

Then they invited THE Dr. Mark Bullimore to the show to dive into an episode of our Journal Club where they will review what is beyond simply just efficacy of treatments, that must be considered in the myopia clinic and then have Dr. Bullimore teach us the take home’s from his latest article hot off the press about the impact of rebound in myopia control.

This episode is packed with wisdom from one of the leading experts in the field.

We’d love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on future topics or suggest potential guests by contacting us at [email protected]




Retinal Thinning and AMD

Dr. Mark Bullimore: LinkedIn

Dr. Mark Bullimore: UHCO

Dr. Mark Bullimore: Buller2020

Dr. Mark Bullimore: Published Research

Efficacy in myopia control—The impact of rebound: Mark A. Bullimore1 | Noel A. Brennan2



Japan paper

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